Listen to your heart

To listen to a song, we need to play it either on youtube , the TV, spotify, apple music or wherever. There is an intent to listen to music and to feel a certain way. The same way, we can tune into our hearts through various different ways. It’s a beautiful practice to tune into your heart and to listen to what it is feeling, what’s the greatest desire, what’s the deepest pain and really listen.

Here are some of the ways to listen to your heart and to honour it’s song in the moment.

  1. A silent nature walk : A walk in nature is one of the easiest and inexpensive ways to drop into your heart, as you walk around a park and simply observe, with an intention to tune into your heart, you can hear it and honour what you hear. It may be pleasant or unpleasant, positive or negative. Simply allow it and honour it. Observe what’s in your heart in that moment. Acceptance opens up avenues. Listen to your heart.

  2. Meditation : A guided meditation or a silent meditation alone at home really helps us to tune into our hearts with effects which are very similar to a nature walk, with eyes closed in the comfort of your home. Ofcourse, you might think meditation is not for me, feel free to try it or if not , simply try one of the other ways. There are many tools such as headspace , calm or a youtube guided meditation which can help.

  3. Yin Yoga or Yoga for Self Inquiry: I have been to a few sessions of Yin Yoga and the sessions really help me to listen not just to my heart but also help me to connect with my body and release stored emotions. There is. no need to be flexible, there is no need to judge your abilities in a session of Yin, but an opportunity to listen to your heart.

  4. A Song: Music really helps me to know what’s going on in my heart. Sometimes when I am in a shop, cafe , driving and a song plays on the radio, I try to listen to the lyrics and sometimes they resonate. It’s an expression of what are you feeling in that moment.

  5. Poetry: Reading Poetry or listening to poetry is a beautiful way to drop into the heart and listen to it. Rumi is one poet, who can really help me reach the depths of my heart and soul, reading a short poem and carrying it in your heart through the day is a wonderful way to listen to your heart.

I will cover a lot more ways in another post, give it a try and honour your heart, listen to your heart and it will guide you and free you.

What does your heart say today? A song that comes to mind is Listen to your heart by Roxette.


Connect with your heart


Crystals for Self Love